Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What is compatibility testing?

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It is a part of non functional tests, In this QA/Test Engineer need to check the compatibility of the application or software with the various software and hardware components to confirm whether it is working fine on different environment or not

Depends on the Applications/software QA will do the following compatibility Tests

Operating Systems: QA need to check whether Application/software to be compatible with different Operating Systems(OS) like Windows family (XP,7,8 etc) , Linux , Mac OS etc.

Mobile platforms : QA need to check Application/software is compatible with mobile platforms like Android , iOS,blackberry etc

Browsers: QA need to check compatibility of application with different browsers like Internet Explorer,Firefox, Google Chrome , Safari,opera mini etc.

Hardware configurations :  QA need to check Application / software to be compatible with different hardware configurations .
Compatibility with other Softwares: QA need to check application/software to be compatible with other softwares
For ex: verifying exported documents in various applications like ms office and open office 

Network: QA need to check  performance of the application with different routers, Bandwidth and Capacity. 
Devices : QA need to check  compatibility of  software with different devices like USB  Devices, Printers and Scanners,cameras, bar code Readers etc
Saucelabs provides Over 400 OS/Browser platforms for compatibility Testing

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