Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Commonly used selenium IDE commands

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    This command will opens a page using a URL(uniform resource locator) for example if you want to open google page with the open command you can do like this

command Target Value
open https://www.google.co.in/

Click:This command will click an element which is given in the "Target" filed. To click gmail link we can use click command like this

command Target Value
open https://www.google.co.in/
click link=Gmail

Click And Wait: This command will click an element which is given in the "Target" fields, and also it will wait for page to load

command Target Value
open https://www.google.co.in/
clickandWait link=Gmail

In this example it will wait for gmail page to load after cliking on that link, most of the cases everyone will use this command only because it will run successfully even page take some time to load

Verify Title: This command will verify the title with title given in the Target filed. If the title given in the Target filed and Title present on the page not matched then it will shows test case as failed but execution will continue on the next command.

Assert Title:
This command will verify the title with title given in the Target filed. If the title given in the Target filed and Title present on the page not matched then it will shows test case as failed and execution will be stopped

Verify Text Present: It will verify the given text in the target field is somewhere present on the page or not

Verify Element Present: 

 It will verify the given HTML element in the target field is somewhere present on the page or not

It will verify text present on particular web element. 

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