Saturday, November 7, 2015

Manual Testing Interview Questions with answers|| Software testing Interview Questions|| Manual testing interview questions for freshers|| Manual testing interview questions for experienced

1) Why testing is required in software development?

Any software application will have bugs so to ensure application is working as per client requirements testing is required in the software development

2) Why software will have bugs?

Due to strict time lines, complexity of the requirement, lack of domain knowledge

3) What is the difference between web-based application and stand-alone application?

web-based application: we can use web based application in the browser directly, no need to install any softwares.
Internet is required to access web based applications EX: Facebook

stand-alone application: we need to download the software and install it before going to use this application

Ex: winzip

4) What is black-box testing and what are black-box testing techniques?

Without having any knowledge on the source-code(developers coding), testers will test the application based on requirements,
this is called as black-box testing technique


1) Boundary value analysis

2) Equivalence Class Partition

3) Decision table

4) Error guessing

5) What is BVA (boundary value analysis)? Where you have used ?

It is a back-box testing technique used for testcase design ,here we will check for the above below edges of the fields (ex: username field)

for ex: if you consider this requirement username should take 7-9 characters then BVA for this is

max+1= 10 should not accept
min=7 shoud accept
min-1=6 should not accept
max=9 should accept
max-1=8 should accept
min+1=8 should accept

like this we can find out conditions

6)  What is ECP( Equivalence class partition) ?

Equivalence class partition is a black-box  testing technique which will divide the data into valid part and invalid parts means what kind of data should application accept and what kind of data application should not accept
for ex: consider this requirement username should take alphabets only

For above requirement we can write ecp like this

valid : alphabets
invalid: special characters, alphanumerics

7) What is decision table testing ?

It is a black-box testing technique  used for documents complicated scenarios. advantage of decision table is we can cover every condition
click here for more information on this

8) What is defect age in software testing?

It is a time interval between defect found and defect closure

 click here for more information on this

 9) What is smoke testing in software testing?

 After deploying code to testing environments first testers will do smoke test, in this testers will concentrate on the following things.
--> verify all the links (to find broken links)
--> verify critical functionalities(login, important functionalities, logout etc)
 If tester find any bugs while doing smoke testing that will be the high priority issue

10) What is sanity Testing in Software testing?

After smoke test is successful testers will do sanity testing in this testers will concentrate on the following things

--> Verification of all major functionalities
--> Verification of newly implemented features in the current release

11) What is functional Testing?

In Functional testing Testers will test the functionality of the application, so tester will test each and every function of the application, Tester will check basic Usability(UI) of the application 
Functional Testing flow

1) Understanding the business requirements(BRS,TDS)
2) Preparing  Test data
3)  Preparing testcases
4) Execution of testcases
5) comparison of expected results and actual results  

12) What is the difference between  Re-Testing and regression Testing?

 Re-Testing: After fixing any bug by developer tester  will test that bug to ensure whether it is working fine or not. In simple word we can say it is a confirmation testing

Regression Testing: Regression testing is to figure out un expected side effects due to latest changes in the code. Some times recent bug fixes will cause to brake the existing functionality which was working fine before so testers will do regression testing to ensure that application is working fine with latest changes in code.

Regression testing tools:
1) selenium
2) QTP
3) Test complete
4) Sahi etc

13) What is Priority ?

It indicates the urgency of fixing bug in terms of client perspective

ex: In application client logo is not displayed. this bug we can consider as high priority but it will not affect the functionality so severity will be low.

14) What is Severity ?

It indicates the urgency of fixing bug in terms of project (functionality perspective)perspective.

15) What is Hot fix?

It is bug raised by the client side and developers needs to fix it immediately , after that testers need to work on testing of this bug as a priority to deliver to client as soon as possible

16) What is Installation Testing?

 In Installation testing testers will install the software based on the provided document and verify the software is installed successfully as per the document or not (This is suitable for stand-alone applications ex: winzip)

17) What is Un-Installation Testing?

 In un-Installation testing testers will un-install the software based on the provided document and verify the software is un-installed successfully as per the document or not (This is suitable for stand-alone applications ex: winzip)


18) What are the  Test deliverables?


--> Test strategy   

--> Test plan
--> Test Scripts
--> Test summery report
-->  Test case document 

-->  Test scenarios documents
-->  Requirements Traceability matrix(RTM)
--> Bug/issue report
--> Test results 

19) What is show-stopper?


If testers not able to move-forward to test the application then it is called as show stopper.
ex: 1. Unable to login to the application
      2. Any major functionality of the application is not working
 Priority, severity of these bugs will be critical.

20) What is Test scenario?

Scenario identifies possible areas to be tested , later testcases describes step by step procedure to test that particular area. 1 Test scenario may have one or more testcases 

Must Read following articles

Agile Testing

Decision table in software Testing

V - Model

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