Now a days most of the organizations are following agile process for the development of an application. Because It requires very less documentations, stakeholders involved in the daily meetings so it is very easy to get the feed-back from the client(stake-holder).
Benefits of Agile:
--> Agile process saves money and time
--> Requires very less documentation
--> Regular feed back from the client improves the application quality better.
--> Daily meetings helps to find the issues in advance (causes less cost)
Terminologies Used In Agile process:
Product backlog:
This will help to make the product better. It will contain all the wish list(features) for product development.
Below image represents wish list
Product owner will discuss with customers and users of this product and he will add correct features into product backlog
below image represents final product backlog
Scrum master: Scrum master is like a project manger he is responsible for project progress and coordinating with team members about daily tasks progress, Current sprint progress.
Release backlog:
Finalized features in the product backlog for current release will be added to release backlog
see below image for release backlog
Prioritization of Release backlog:
Based on the importance of the feature from the client side and project side prioritization will be done. below image represents prority of features in product backlog
Estimation of release backlog:
Estimation of all features in the Release backlog will be done based on the historical data and discussing with subject matter experts to get rough estimation hours for the current release.
Below image represents estimation of release backlog
Sprint will be derived from the prioritized release backlog , Usually big features will be added to 1 sprint, and medium features will be added to sprint 2 and small features will be added to sprint 3 and sprint 4 for the defects raised in sprint1 testing,sprint2 testing, sprint3 testing.
- Usually duration of sprint size is 14 days (2 weeks) it might be 3 weeks also depends upon project.
- Sprints for current release will be depends upon the features that are added into release backlog.
Image: Features(User stories, requirements) added to sprint
Defect backlog:
Bugs found in the Sprints will be added to the defect backlog and those will be added to the sprint for developers to fix.
Daily scrum calls(standup-meetings)
Scru master will conduct scrum call every day or weekly twice depends upon project and he will get progress of current sprints(status of developers features development, testers bugs).
General questions in scrum call from scrum master
--> What you are going to work on today.?
--> What you have done yesterday?
Burn-down chart:
Burn-down chart represents the status of existing sprint, with the help of this graph we can easily know the status and when we can able to complete the sprint and estimated hours foor sprint. please see the below image
Must see
V Model
Bugs found in the Sprints will be added to the defect backlog and those will be added to the sprint for developers to fix.
Daily scrum calls(standup-meetings)
Scru master will conduct scrum call every day or weekly twice depends upon project and he will get progress of current sprints(status of developers features development, testers bugs).
General questions in scrum call from scrum master
--> What you are going to work on today.?
--> What you have done yesterday?
Burn-down chart:
Burn-down chart represents the status of existing sprint, with the help of this graph we can easily know the status and when we can able to complete the sprint and estimated hours foor sprint. please see the below image
Must see
V Model
Great article on agile methodology.. very useful for interview ... Thanks