Saturday, September 19, 2015

Introduction To software Testing

Before going to start learning Software Testing Lets discuss about software

Software: Software is a collection of programs.

Software Testing: Software Testing is process of validating software/web- application with respect to customer requirements to check verify whether software/application is satisfied  the customer requirements or not

Basically in the software testing filed testers need to Work on these kind of softwares

1) Web-based application
2) Stand -Alone applications (softwares)
3) Mobile Applications(android apps, ios app,blackberry apps etc..)

Web-based Application: We can directly open this application in the browser. No need to download anything to use application. Internet is required to use this application 

Stand-alone Application(software): We have to download and install it on machine(system) to use software
EX: Winzip

Mobile Applications: same like stand-alone but we need to install it on mobile to use the software.

EX: Temple run

Again we can categorize above applications into 2 Categories

1) Project
2) Product

Project: If any software/application is developed as per specific customer(client) requirements then it is called as project 
ex: Tata-docomo dealer commission calculator (only docomo employees can  use this application) 

Product: If any software/application is developed for all people based on the common requirements is called as product
Ex: ms office(every one can use this software)

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