Sunday, June 21, 2015

Finding Xpath in different Ways

Finding Xpath in different Ways 
1.) //tagname[@attribute='value'] // to go to any class r any value
 like id r tag etc.... drictly give //tagname[@class='value']

2.) //tagname[text()='xxx'] // to go to any text directly 
give dat in xpath // tagname[text()='gotodattext'

3.) //tagname[contains(text(),'
xxx')] // to find 
any text is there r not in the linktext if spaces are there we use this

4) //tagname[@att='value']/
parent::ul // to go to immediate upper attribute we use this

5.) //tagname[@att='value']/div // to go to immediate lower attribute we use this

6) //tagname[@att='value']/
ancestor::div //to go to any of the upper
 attribute we use this by giving that attribute

7) //tagname[@att='value']/
descendant::div // to go to any lower attribute we use
 this by giving that attribute

8) //tagname[@att='value']/
following-sibling::li //to go to any
 upper attribute which are in the parent class we use this by giving that attribute 

9) //tagname[@att='value']/
preceding-sibling::li // to go to any lower 
attribute which are in the parent class we use this by giving that attribute 


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