Sunday, June 21, 2015

Finding Xpath in different Ways

Finding Xpath in different Ways 
1.) //tagname[@attribute='value'] // to go to any class r any value
 like id r tag etc.... drictly give //tagname[@class='value']

2.) //tagname[text()='xxx'] // to go to any text directly 
give dat in xpath // tagname[text()='gotodattext'

3.) //tagname[contains(text(),'
xxx')] // to find 
any text is there r not in the linktext if spaces are there we use this

4) //tagname[@att='value']/
parent::ul // to go to immediate upper attribute we use this

5.) //tagname[@att='value']/div // to go to immediate lower attribute we use this

6) //tagname[@att='value']/
ancestor::div //to go to any of the upper
 attribute we use this by giving that attribute

7) //tagname[@att='value']/
descendant::div // to go to any lower attribute we use
 this by giving that attribute

8) //tagname[@att='value']/
following-sibling::li //to go to any
 upper attribute which are in the parent class we use this by giving that attribute 

9) //tagname[@att='value']/
preceding-sibling::li // to go to any lower 
attribute which are in the parent class we use this by giving that attribute 


Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Color Digest 2,43,2,25,

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Database Testing In Software Testing

Database Testing :

The main aim of database testing is verify the data that are uploaded in the application (front-end) is stored in the database (back-end) or not.

In this tutorial you can learn the concepts which is required for database Testing

Pre-Requisites: MySql Need to be installed on Your System.

Click Here for the installation process of Mysql

After successful installation of mysql open mysql and create database

Creating Database in Mysql

create database <Database name>;

EX: mysql> create database Testdatabase;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)