Thursday, January 1, 2015

Testcases for login page in all possible ways (Manual Testing Interview Questions) || Scenarios for login page

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Common Testcases For Every Application
1)  Verify that valid user able to login to the application
2)  Verify that Invalid user should not able to login to the application
3)  Verify that cancel button should clear all the data
4)  Title should be present on top of the page
5)  Data in the password field should be in encrypted format only
6)  By default cursor should be focused on the "Username" field
7)  Tab flow should work properly
8)  Observe left alignment in the screen
9)  Observe right alignment in the screen
10) Verify that forgot password link should present.

BVA for Username 6 to 10  characters
11)  Verify  username field with 6 characters
12)  Verify username field with 10 characters
13)  Verify username field with  7 characters
14)  Verify username field with  9 characters

Negative Testing:

15)  Verify username field with 5 characters
16)  Verify username field with 11 characters

BVA for Password 6 to 10  characters

POSITIVE Testcases
17)  Verify Password field with 6 characters
18)  Verify Password field with 10 characters
19)  Verify Password field with  7 characters
20)  Verify Password field with  9 characters

Negative Testing:

21)  Verify Password field with 5 characters
22)  Verify Password field with 11 characters

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