Tuesday, May 19, 2015

What are the Test deliverables ?

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Test deliverables:

Test deliverables in software testing are

---> Test plans
---> Test  scenarios 
---> Test cases
--->  Daily/ Weekly status reports
--->  Requirement traceability matrix
--->  Usecase Documents
--->  Review Documents
--->  Bug Report

Tags: Deliverables in Software Testing

Friday, May 15, 2015

Selenium Web driver Handling alert box -Popup example

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Here is the example  for handling alert box in selenium

Click the below button to display a alert box.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Difference between priority and severity in software testing with example

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Priority in software testing : 

To assign priority for  "Test case" or Bug we need to think importance of the test case or bug in terms of customer (client)  perspective.

Severity in software testing :

To assign severity for  "Test case" or Bug we need to think importance of the test case or bug in terms of project(application) perspective.

Here are some examples for severity and priority Test case / Bug

High priority and low severity example

---> Customer (client) logo is not displaying in the application

In the above case functionality will work but logo is important from the client side so we can consider this as High priority and low severity


Introduction to selenium webdriver

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Selenium WebDriver is a open source automation tool for web based applications. It supports different browsers, supports many programming languages python, ruby, java, php, c# and perl so users can develop automated test cases in preferred language. In this tutorial we are learning selenium with java language, Beacause java is most popular language.

List of content

1) Selenium download and setup
2) Identifying elements in selenium
3) First selenium test case